Nails | NOTW Almost Mint + My Fairy Dust Nails + July Giveaway Winners Sponsored by Persunmall

Hey Ladies and Gals~


Well  not for me, im just staying home tonight, i need rest~
sob sob~ Dont feel bad for me im ok LOL drama :))

Here are two NOTWs of mine! if you are following me through instagram
you probably saw them already~
My instagram ID is @PunkyBunny

Unknown Chinese nail polish Czel 09 that i saw on a street
bazaar or more like a tent bazaar? Maybe both :P
Eastwood Center Tent area. for just 50 pesos / $1+
it resembles Etude House ice cream right?
only the cap is kinda lame lol, its not a cone.

Almost Mint!
i tried to mix two of my Bobbie Nail Polish
Mint (but looks like apple) + White
And i almost got mint...almost. i guess i need to add blue.
Sweet Arpakasso
sorry dim photo.

Persunmall Winners!

Check Out my Picks and Giveaway Post (here)

This Giveaway was held July 1-15
Winners were Announced today!

Giveaway is sponsored generously by Persunmall

if you have not heard about this shopping site
you should totally check it out! ive managed to see
an amount of punky and cute items! (here) They also
have variety of styles from floral to formal, etc.

11,446 Entries via Rafflecopter

Commenting below the Giveaway post was Required, however some
gals might have not noticed hmm...(i think). So when i checked there were
more or less than 200 people who joined via Raffle but did not leave a comment.

i just want to say Thank You so so much for joining!
i really appreciate it :D 

if you did not win this time, its fine, don't fret!
i will try to have more Giveaways soon~

And the Winners are:

Allie Gunter / lunavida23
Ana Rute / Primo lampy13

Congratulations Ladies!

Thank You Persunmall 
for this awesome Collaboration!

To the Winners:
Persunmall already sent you an Email
on how to claim your prizes! xoxo

 Thank You so much  for Dropping by
Please do Leave a comment below if you have questions or anything to say~
i Dont Bite hehe~ Thankies~

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Disclaimer: All Products are bought with my own money unless stated Sponsored. All Product Reviews including Sponsored are based from my own honest personal experience.