Level E (Anime Review)

Minnah! How ya doing? :) Its been a while since i last posted an anime review ^^
been busy hehe

LEVEL E is an anime about aliens and their existence, so many different aline races and types that actually live among us. We just dont notice them.

Main Characrer: Baka Oji? or stupid prince lol i dont want to spoil anything here ;)

My thoughts: One of the Best Anime Ever! its very good written and you can tell by how many twists the story has. I watched the anime series, i just finished it the other day. Gosh im hoping for another season! I definitely recommend this if ur a wiredo like me =P

i sooo love baka oji lol his sooo my type :D XD

Disclaimer: All Products are bought with my own money unless stated Sponsored. All Product Reviews including Sponsored are based from my own honest personal experience.