Kimi ni todoke S2 ep11 and 12 =D

Date: March 31
Time: 12:16am

Gosh how cuteeeeeeee awwww! sawako and kazihaya embarrassed hehe...

Sawako words got me! "I still cant believe it" "I want to Believe"...
LOL!!!!!!! word of the day: "Strawberry Time!" - thanks Pin ahahaha!

Kazihaya "Sawako..."
Sawako "uhh..?"
Pin "will u marry me?"....sinigt ampupu! ahahhahah!...

Kuronoma dad is the best! i cant stop looolinggg!!

i can't believe those girls..die hard for kazihaya >.<

kurumi...awwww heart broken =(

LOL at Ryu saying "ski dayoh" ahaha!
Fans gone crazyyyy about thinking its the end of the anime series but someone said the manga is still on going so hopfully Season 3 is possible ;D

i dont read manga...i dnt like reading O_O =p

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