Tama Matsuri (Part 1: Cosplay)

i was not able to take loads of photos of all cosplayers (im a little shy) XD
i think cosplayers are brave, they wear what they want and go ahead and just do it :)
Part 2 will be the Shops and kawaii items sold in the event ;) im still arranging the shop and photos, i was going to make this 1 post but too many photos...your pc might freeze :P hehe
On this same day i went to Etude which i posted about, i also went to Bon Chon and bought Mochi icecream <3 posting about it soon :">

Next cosplay event im going to is next month April :D 

Which one is ur fave from these photos? ;) Do you cosplay? if yes tell me asap! hahahah :)) 

my favorite!

Me and the cool cosplayer hehe

this person kinda looks like Ji Hoo :">

Kawaii deshooo?~

areehh..dare deska? masaka... =P

Girl: nani nani?...dare da?~ Pyon~~ Joke :)) 

Kakoiii soshte kawaiiii des neh~

Small Haul desu~

Tama Matsuri (Part 2: Shops)

Tama Matsuri Cosplay Event P3: Art, Music, Gundam

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